African American CultureEducation

Urban Myth of “John Hanson, being First Black President” taken to task!


Urban Myth of “John Hanson, being First Black President” taken to task!

Recent Front Page of the MBA Journal

Radio Interviews with Historian Professor Manu Ampim of California State University & Charles Fair of the MBA Journal

There has been an email circulating around the web thats claiming “John Hanson was a black man in the USA, who was President before George Washington”. The claim was printed recently on the front page of the MBA Journal.

Today we had a chance to talk to the Publisher of the newspaper Charles Fair.

We asked Mr. Charles Fair for his sources for this claim, please see link below.

Radio Interview with the Publisher of the MBA Journal Charles Fair
Radio Interview with Charles Fair


Immediately  following our interview with Charles Fair, we spoke with Professor Manu Ampim of California State University.  Professor Manu Ampim is an historian and primary (first-hand) researcher specializing in African and African American history and culture. He has a B.S. in Business Management and M.A. in History/African American Studies. His master thesis, “The Revolutionary Martin Luther King, Jr.” (1989) is being expanded into a two-volume work entitled, “Martin Luther King: The Evolution of a Revolutionary.”


Professor Manu Ampim, California State University


In this interview Professor Ampim stated  “America has been a racist country from the beginning. Slavery was a hallmark of American Life, going back to the first permanent English Settlement in Jamestown. Black People had no rights in early America.”


Radio Interview with Professor Manu Ampim


Professor Manu Ampim clearly states that this another Hoax and is outrageous.

Our research shows us that the picture being used, is a picture of a Liberian Senator who name was John Hanson







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