
Muskegon Heights Celebrates Progress

Class of 2018 has lived this value and I know they are going to carry their Tiger Pride with them

as they spread their wings and go on to do great things.”
Garcia also exp
ressed her gratitude for the Board’s confidence in her leadership and is excited
about leading the Academy forward. “We are unified team,” Garcia
 says. “We are going to
continue to be relentless about ensuring we provide a safe, nurturing, and rigorous learning
environment that our community can be proud of.”
Prior to becoming Superintendent, Garcia served as the Assistant Superintendent and played a
key role in working with local community members and educational experts to draft a detailed
“Partnership Agreement” with the Michigan Department of Education. The Agreement outlines
goals and measures that the Academy must reach according to an established timeline. In fact,
the Academy is actually ahead of schedule in the progress it is making and was recently
highlighted by the Michigan Department of Education and invited to share its story with the
State Board of Education earlier in May.
Kathy Moore, Vice President of the Academy Board said, “It was a great honor
Superintendent Garcia to be invited by the State to share the work of the Partnership Agreement.
As a Board, we know there is more work to do. Just like our students, we are a work in progress.
We believe in the transformative power of a great education and we want the community to
know that we are growing and getting stronger every day.”
For example, the Academy has strengthened and aligned its reading and math curriculum across
grades K-12, increased student voice and leadership opportunities through student council,
National Honor Society, and a student-managed school store.
Garcia said, “We also piloted a senior year redesign to provide an incentive for hard work and
opportunities to explore West Michigan. Students have toured colleges and universities, attended
a digital arts film and television conference, and enjoyed outdoor education and community
service experiences.”
“We’re gaining momentum and have even bigger plans for the 2018-2019 school year,” said
Garcia. We are enrolling students now and want everyone to know that the Muskegon Heights
Tigers are ready to roll!”

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